The first thing you see when you walk into Boston's nursery is these white cube shelves. This is the first furniture we bought for Boston. We wanted a place to keep his books and toys, so they would be easy for him to get to.

From the moment we found out we were having a boy, I wanted a "name train" for him. I found this train on line and it turned out just right. I had seen people put their little one's names in their nursery and I thought this would be perfect for him. The company selling the train did not sell Engines or Cabooses. Tim's Grandpa Mooty gave us this special vintage train to add to this decoration. Tim played with it as a kid and I think it is so special and unique.
The little baskets on the shelves were carefully picked out to get just the right color and size. These cubes seemed to be a unique size so it was a little challenging to find them. I was happy when I found that these seemed to work just right and they were on sale!
When you walk in Boston's nursery, immediately to the right is this chest of drawers. Click
HERE for a little background on it.

Above the dresser is a sign made especially for Boston, given to him by some sweet friends. Once he is born, his date of birth, weight, and length will be added to it. (So special!)
On top of the dresser is a diaper cake made by one of my best friends Spano. It was one of the decorations at the shower and it is now decoration in his nursery until we need to use the diapers. She did an awesome job! Tim and I picked out the little lamp together and the frames were also gifts.

Here is a view of Boston's crib. Tim and I looked carefully to find a crib we both liked in the right finish and one that would convert. Yes, this crib converts to both a toddler and double bed! We are proud of this investment.
The pictures above the bed were some that Tim already had. They have different stadiums in them including Tiger Stadium (LSU), Texas Rangers Ballpark (taken by Tim's dad when Tim lived an apartment over looking it), and of course Fenway Park (Red Sox). We discovered that the Red Sox photo has a date on the scoreboard of Sept. 19th. That is just one day after Boston's due date. What are the odds?! We think that is pretty cool. I also added some blue ribbon above the photos to make them look a little younger for our baby boy.
I found the rug online and I love the way it matches all of the different neutral colors in the nursery. I was worried that the blues and greens would be hard to match. I like that the rug can grow with him or even be used somewhere else in the house if necessary one day.
Tim and I new from the beginning that we did not want the nursery to have a particular theme. We do not know our baby's personality yet and so we felt it would be good to include "All things Boy". Most bedding we found incorporated sports or animals. We were glad when we happened to both come across this bedding on the internet and both liked it. It has polka dots and stripes and is simple and just the colors we like--calming and relaxing.

The mobile was a gift from
THESE special women. Tim and I found it at a local boutique and fell in love with it. It is one of our favorite things in the room. It is made out of wood and the propellers spin. It is a modern look, but has an antique feel. We hope little Boston enjoys it as much as we do!

To the right of the crib is the little rocking nook. We look forward to reading lots of stories, feeding him, and cuddling with him here. We got this glider this past weekend. It is very comfortable and we are really happy with the way it fits with the other furniture in the room.

Draped over the glider are blankets made by my mom and Tim's parents. The fleece blanket was hand tied and cut by both Tim's mom (and even his dad!). It is an extra large blanket and will be perfect for snuggling on the couch and having tummy time on the floor. The quilt was hand made by my mom and she did an awesome job on it. The back even has a little song sewn in that my Grandpa Fred wrote. I cannot wait to teach the song to Boston.
On the left of the chair is a table that I looked long and hard for. I was dead set on finding an antique round pedastal table in just the right height to go by the rocker. My step mom (MomR) pointed out that Boston could pull it on top of him when he gets older and the ones I found were more than I wanted to spend. We actually found this one at Target and we think it works just fine!
On the table is a box given to us by our sister-in-law, Loren. It is filled with handmade burp cloths, bibs, and recieving blankets made by her and other friends and family. Loren also hand-embroidered and stitched a blanket for Boston (it is draped over the bed, but you can't see it in the picture). Boston is one lucky baby and he doesn't even know it yet! [unless he happens to understand what I say when I talk to my belly :)].
Here is Boston's changing station. There are built in cabinets and shelves in his room. For some strange reason, there is even a sink! It is behind the shutters, but it is there. Even though it is strange, we have heard a million times how it will truly come in handy when our baby decides to make a mess for us.

Right behind the changing pad is a baseball scrap book given to us by MomR. We think it is awesome and I look forward to documenting the beginning of Boston's life in it. Included on the shelves are a cross given to us by dear friends in Cleveland, MS and a silver baby cup and rabbit from when I was born.

Tim and I say to each other "I love you this much" and "I love you that much" back. We have been saying it for a while and thought we needed to share it with Boston. We found out that both his mom and my grandmother both have the same vintage W & R Berries statue. Also on the shelf, I found one for Boston's room and I was overjoyed!

This is a plaque that my cousin made for little B. Read more about it
HERE. She did a great job and it fits nicely in the nursery. Tim really wanted something to hang some little baseball caps for our baby on. This is just what we needed. Hanging on it now is his very own Red Sox cap. He also has a 'Lil Tiger LSU cap!
Also shown here is B's bassinet. This will go in our room beside our bed to make it a little easier for night time feedings, diaper changes, kisses, and hugs for him. We have a sleigh bed in our room, so we thought this was just right!

That wraps up the "Nursery Tour". We can't wait to show Boston his room! Less than 2 1/2 weeks left!