I have felt our baby boy moving around in my belly for the past couple of weeks. It is so exciting! It is still just occasional, but I really enjoy the surprise. Right before I finally felt him, I would just lay there and concentrate on my belly in hopes that it would happen. It is amazing to feel a little person inside of me. It is like he is reminding me that he is in there and I LOVE it!
For those who have not experienced it, to me it feels like light thumps against my skin. He tickles me and I can't stay still sometimes. He just brings a smile to my face. :)
While laying in bed last night, I felt him kick from the outside!!! Another milestone for our little boy and my pregnancy! It was really neat. I didn't see it happen, but I felt him against my hand. I woke Tim up (he wasn't the happiest about that, because he had to wake up at about 4am). I placed his hand on my belly and we just waited for a couple of minutes. Unfortunately, that was a one time thing. But soon enough Tim will get to feel him too and I can't wait!
On another note, we had another doctor's visit this week. We got to see another ultrasound and he looks great! His tiny heart was beating at 136 bpm (looking good) and he was wiggling around. The doc said he is about 8 oz. at this point. Pics to follow soon!
My kids hate pants
8 years ago